Terms and Conditions
Included information
STYLEM TAKISADA-OSAKA CO., LTD. (below, “STYLEM”) hereby grants permission for the information published on this website to be viewed, duplicated, and distributed contingent upon the acceptance of the following conditions. This website was created for use by residents of Japan.
(1) This information cannot be sold or distributed for commercial profit.
(2) Duplicated information must contain an indication of the copyright notice included in the original information.
With the exception of the above, the use of copyrights or trademarks owned by STYLEM is forbidden.
Copyrights and other rights
Copyrights, trademark rights, rights of likeness, and other rights associated with the photographs, video, illustrations, documents, and other information contained in this website belong to STYLEM. The copyright for this website itself, arranged in the form of HTML pages, also belongs to STYLEM. Rights of likeness for the photographs contained in this website belong to the people whose photographs are displayed, and the transfer, publication, and reproduction of those photographs without the permission of the people whose likenesses are portrayed are forbidden by law. Intellectual property rights for objects portrayed in photographs published on this site, including copyrights, patent rights, and trademark rights, belong to the copyright holders for those objects.
Exception clause
The information published on this website is provided free of charge for use by the user at his or her own discretion. Accordingly, this use falls outside the scope of management by STYLEM. No guarantee is made regarding the use of this information, either express or implied, and STYLEM takes no responsibility for that use. STYLEM may, at any time and at its own discretion, modify the content of this website, as well as the conditions under which it is provided for use.
Applicable law and jurisdiction
The laws of Japan shall govern the resolution of any disputes arising concerning this website.
Questions or comments regarding this website may be directed stylemfabrics@stylem.co.jp